Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My dream

So I had this dream last night ...

I needed a weekend away so I hit the road by myself for Minneapolis to see a Twins game. But before heading to the game I stopped by your place (for some reason you and Roy Boy were living in the Twin Cities) to say hi. We talked. You showed me your new TV. Your friends who were having a bridal shower decided to stop by. I needed directions to the ballpark.

Roy decided to drive me there, but then realized his drivers license had been revoked. So we hopped on a couple of bicycles and he showed me the way. On our way back to the home to pick up my car to go back to the ballpark a gang of Indians on bikes surrounded us and started heckling Roy. They cornered him and got him into a back ally and began beating him up. I scurried back to your house and we quickly called 911.

The 911 operater told me they had already taken care of it and had Roy at the police station to file a report. Before we knew it he was at the door all bloodied and bruised but OK. We gave him a hug and, through his sobs, he said ...

"I just wish somebody would tell me where my pants are."

I swear that's true.